eesel - The New Tab for Work

Find and create documents, follow teammates' projects, and access your browser history in one place. Works with any app and doesn't require setup or login.
Find any document you need for work in one place, fully searchable and easy to access.
Follow your teammates' projects and stay up-to-date on their progress.
Filter your browser history to show only the documents you need for work.
No setup or login required to start using eesel.
Works with anything you open in your browser, from new apps to old company intranets.
Find a document you need for a meeting.
Create a new document and share it with your team.
Follow a teammate's project and stay up-to-date on their progress.
Access your browser history to find a document you previously viewed.
Install the eesel extension for your browser.
Open a new tab to access eesel.
Start searching for documents or creating new ones.
Follow your teammates' projects and stay up-to-date on their progress.