OpenRead - AI-Powered Academic Research Platform

AI-driven research platform with interactive paper reading and collaborative note-taking.
Find relevant research papers and academic content quickly with OpenRead's AI-powered search engine.
Engage with research papers in a more interactive way, with features like highlighting, note-taking, and discussion forums.
Work with colleagues and peers to annotate and discuss research papers in real-time.
Get tailored suggestions for research papers and academic content based on your interests and reading history.
Connect with other researchers and academics to share knowledge, ideas, and best practices.
Find relevant research papers quickly with AI-powered search.
Engage with research papers in a more interactive way with highlighting and note-taking features.
Collaborate with colleagues on research projects and share knowledge in real-time.
Sign up for an OpenRead account to access the platform's features.
Use the AI-powered search engine to find relevant research papers.
Engage with research papers using interactive features like highlighting and note-taking.