My Yogi - Create and Manage Yoga Sequences with AI

Create custom sequences, generate AI-powered sequences, add detailed pose notes, and print sequences for class. My Yogi is the ultimate tool for yoga sequencing.
Create unique flows tailored to your teaching style and student needs.
Spark creativity with intelligent, balanced sequences at the touch of a button.
Add personalized cues, modifications, and insights to each asana.
Seamlessly transition from app to studio with printable sequence sheets.
Organize, edit, and access your sequences with ease.
Create custom sequences for your yoga classes
Generate AI-powered sequences for inspiration
Add detailed pose notes to enhance your practice
Print sequences for class and share with students
Download the My Yogi app on your mobile device
Create a custom sequence or generate an AI-powered sequence
Add detailed pose notes to enhance your practice
Print your sequence for class and share with students