Content Credentials - Verify the Authenticity of Online Content

Reveal helpful information about the content you see online, including its origin, history, and editing process, and make it easier to decide what you trust.
Content Credentials provide information about the content's origin and history, including when it was created or edited.
Content Credentials provide information about the content's editing process, including whether AI was used or not.
Content Credentials use technology that makes it clear if content has been altered since its Content Credentials were created.
Devices, software, and organizations that issue Content Credentials identify themselves in the Content Credentials they issue.
The Verify feature allows you to explore the content's edit history in depth and upload any content to see if it has Content Credentials.
Verify the authenticity of online content
Check if AI was used in the creation of online content
View the edit history of online content
Check if content has been tampered with
Click the Content Credentials pin to view the content's credentials
Use the Verify feature to explore the content's edit history in depth
Upload any content to see if it has Content Credentials
Check if content has been tampered with