GPTZero - AI Detection Tool for Authentic Content

Accurate AI-generated text detection across multiple levels.
GPTZero uses machine learning algorithms to analyze language patterns and detect AI-generated text with high accuracy.
Detect AI-generated text at sentence, paragraph, and document levels to ensure comprehensive analysis.
GPTZero supports detection of AI-generated text from various language models, including popular models like GPT-3 and GPT-4.
GPTZero provides an intuitive interface for easy text analysis and detection of AI-generated content.
GPTZero's detection capabilities are continuously updated to stay ahead of evolving language models and AI-generated content.
Detect AI-generated text in academic papers and research.
Verify the authenticity of online content and articles.
Identify potential AI-generated text in social media posts and comments.
Copy and paste the text into GPTZero's interface.
Select the desired detection level (sentence, paragraph, or document).
Review the results to identify potential AI-generated text.