Snack Prompt | Discover The Best ChatGPT Prompts

Snack Prompt offers a library of prompts, automations, and lists, as well as a desktop app and a plugin for ChatGPT.
A library of ChatGPT prompts to help users discover the best prompts for their needs.
Automations to help users streamline their workflow and increase productivity.
Lists of prompts and automations to help users organize and prioritize their tasks.
A desktop app that allows users to access Snack Prompt's features on their computer.
A plugin for ChatGPT that allows users to access Snack Prompt's features directly within the ChatGPT interface.
Discover the best prompts for your needs
Streamline your workflow with automations
Organize and prioritize your tasks with lists
Access Snack Prompt's features on your computer with the desktop app
Access Snack Prompt's features directly within ChatGPT with the plugin
Sign up for a free account on the Snack Prompt website
Browse the prompt library and discover new prompts
Create and share your own prompts
Use automations to streamline your workflow
Access Snack Prompt's features on your computer with the desktop app