Compare AI models side-by-side, type once and get answers from multiple models, access answers from the menubar, and open unlimited standalone windows.
Compare answers from Gemini Ultra, GPT-4, Bing, and Google Search, with LLaMa and Claude coming soon.
Enter your prompt once and get answers from multiple AI models, streamlining your research process.
Access answers from the menubar, providing quick and easy access to your AI models.
Open as many standalone windows as you need, one for each topic you are researching.
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Compare answers from different AI models for research purposes.
Use OppenheimerGPT to streamline your workflow and increase productivity.
Access answers from the menubar for quick reference.
Open multiple standalone windows for multitasking.
Download the OppenheimerGPT app for macOS.
Enter your prompt and get answers from multiple AI models.
Access answers from the menubar for quick reference.
Open standalone windows for multitasking.