Worldbuilding and Writing Assistant

Customizable templates, AI-assisted writing tools, cross-referencing, collaboration features, and cloud storage make a powerful tool for worldbuilding and writing.
Over 25 customizable page types for creating characters, locations, items, and more in your fictional universe.
Integrated AI analyzes writing for readability, style, and emotion, providing suggestions to improve your work.
Link and reference different elements across the notebook, and invite others to review and collaborate on shared pages or entire universes.
Novel Writing : Use to create and organize complex fictional worlds for your novels or series.
Tabletop RPG Preparation : Build and manage detailed campaign settings for tabletop roleplaying games.
Screenwriting : Develop rich backstories and world details for film or television projects.
Create a Universe : Start by creating a universe to hold all your worldbuilding content. This allows you to organize multiple stories or worlds.
Add Core Worldbuilding Elements : Use the free templates to create characters, locations, and items for your world. Fill out the details for each using the provided prompts and fields.
Cross-Reference and Link Content : As you create pages, link related elements together. For example, link a character to their hometown location.