AI Content Detector - Trusted GPT-4, and Free AI Detector
![AI Content Detector - Trusted GPT-4, and Free AI Detector](/placeholder-white.webp)
Free AI content detector, supports multiple languages, batch file upload, highlighted sentences, high precision model, and report generation.
Upload multiple files simultaneously and they will be automatically checked in the dashboard.
Each sentence written by the AI is distinguished, accompanied by a gauge indicating the proportion of AI contribution within the text.
An advanced, premium model, fully trained in all languages, ensuring highly accurate results.
Automatically generate AI detector PDF free reports accompanying each detection, proving plagiarism without AI.
Support all the languages in the world with the most accurate ai content detection rate you can find.
Detect AI-generated content in academic papers.
Identify AI-written text in online articles.
Verify the authenticity of social media posts.
Check for AI-generated content in business documents.
Visit our website at
Input your text into the provided text box or upload your document in Text format.
Scan your document and wait for the results.
Get your results and understand the percentage of human-written content versus AI-generated text.